加拿大 夢特婁 台灣社團 為非營利之加拿大社團

Taiwanese - Canadians in Montreal - Quebec - Canada 加拿大 夢特婁台灣社團
This is a website about the activities of the Taiwanese-Canadian community in Montreal, Canada. Its purpose is to cultivate friendship and communication among members of the community and to promote awareness of events in the city that relate to Taiwanese culture and customs. To help New immigrats in Canada's cultural, geographical environment, in order to facilitate a comfortable living in Canada, to integrate into society; to feedback and contribute to Canada's national culture and fine living in Canada.
Ce site contient des renseignements sur les activites de la communaute d'origine taiwanaise de Montreal, Canada. Son objectif est de promouvoir l'amitie et la communication parmi les membres de la communaute et les evenements dans la ville qui concernent la culture et les coutumes taiwanaises.

加拿大夢翠鷗 (Montreal) 僑界聯合舉辦2012年北美地區台灣傳統週

公演後圓滿成功 駐加代表李大維博士率僑職人員及表演團員們合影
 Fantastic Taiwan 101 (表演已圓滿成功)

 2012 Taiwan - North America Heritage Week (Performing a complete success)
Performing groups as the National Taiwan University of Arts Department of Dance
Date: Wednesday , May 23, 2012.  Time: Evening 7:30PM


1111, rue Lapierre, porte #4, LaSalle, Québec, H8N 2J4  (Free parking)

(免費停車場;或可搭地鐵(綠線) Angrignon下車轉搭Bus#113在門口下車 )
