加拿大 夢特婁 台灣社團 為非營利之加拿大社團

Taiwanese - Canadians in Montreal - Quebec - Canada 加拿大 夢特婁台灣社團
This is a website about the activities of the Taiwanese-Canadian community in Montreal, Canada. Its purpose is to cultivate friendship and communication among members of the community and to promote awareness of events in the city that relate to Taiwanese culture and customs. To help New immigrats in Canada's cultural, geographical environment, in order to facilitate a comfortable living in Canada, to integrate into society; to feedback and contribute to Canada's national culture and fine living in Canada.
Ce site contient des renseignements sur les activites de la communaute d'origine taiwanaise de Montreal, Canada. Son objectif est de promouvoir l'amitie et la communication parmi les membres de la communaute et les evenements dans la ville qui concernent la culture et les coutumes taiwanaises.

Gaspe Perce - Forillon National Park- 2012 夢翠鷗台灣同鄉會夏日琦麗風景之旅

加斯佩岛佛羅倫國家公園 百歲鎮怪石 - 鸟岛奇观– 風車山天使花園 - 渔人雕像群三文鱼故鄉
日期: 2012824,25,26 (星期五,星期六,星期日)
費用不包括: 自費膳食自購旅遊保險,司機及導遊服務费:每天$6元, 三天總共成人 $18, 小童(0-12) $12 ;。
 林美麗   514-235-9498