加拿大 夢特婁 台灣社團 為非營利之加拿大社團

Taiwanese - Canadians in Montreal - Quebec - Canada 加拿大 夢特婁台灣社團
This is a website about the activities of the Taiwanese-Canadian community in Montreal, Canada. Its purpose is to cultivate friendship and communication among members of the community and to promote awareness of events in the city that relate to Taiwanese culture and customs. To help New immigrats in Canada's cultural, geographical environment, in order to facilitate a comfortable living in Canada, to integrate into society; to feedback and contribute to Canada's national culture and fine living in Canada.
Ce site contient des renseignements sur les activites de la communaute d'origine taiwanaise de Montreal, Canada. Son objectif est de promouvoir l'amitie et la communication parmi les membres de la communaute et les evenements dans la ville qui concernent la culture et les coutumes taiwanaises.

Cherry Blossom 春之旅 賞櫻花 華盛頓 雙橡園 費城 西點軍校 巴爾的摩

夢翠鷗台灣同鄉會於Baltimore 璀璨的海港夜景留影
Cherry Blossom 
第二天陽光普照,我們都好羨慕華盛頓天氣溫煦車子在規劃的停車點下車後,集體漫步前往總統官邸-白宮前拍照留念;接著順回原路上車開往韓戰、越戰紀念廣場,觀看栩栩如生之戰士行軍雕像及臉龐,令人內心膨湃激動。走上階梯瞻仰神聖傳奇的林肯紀念堂望向前方巍然屹立的華盛頓紀念碑;靠近觀看可見其顏色分成兩段,據說開始建一部份後因美國內戰而停止,戰後才續建,因此有不同顏色。本來計劃坐遊船沿著波多馬克河欣賞在兩岸的美麗風景和歷史建築。但因今年寒冷,櫻花尚未開放,非常令人失望。祇是路過遙望杰佛生紀念堂;接著來到博物館區,聞名世界的美國太空博物館,國家藝術博物館,自然歷史博物館,印地安人博物館..等;因時間有限,任大家選擇其所愛之博物館前往匆促參觀,或至宏偉壯觀的國會山莊拍照, 大多數的人選擇了太空博物館,因美國是第一登陸月球的先進強壯國。事後約下午一時左右,在路況擁擠中離開遊覽勝地,至歷史古蹟雙橡園參訪,藍天綠地襯拖雪白的喬治亞復興式(Georgian Revival)全木造建築。楊立彥秘書早已於大門等候多時並引導我們參觀並解說雙橡園歷史,雙橡情緣前後已有二十位(中華民國台灣)駐美大使為雙橡園主人,在這裡見證了台美近代外交史上最關鍵的年代。雙橡園是華府裏唯一保留新英格蘭木屋價構及其風格的建築物。在1986年向美國內政部註冊申請並已列為古蹟。室內設備高雅寬敞,廣大庭園,共有18.1英畝,比白宮少一英畝。館內價值連城的三寶,第一為第凡尼內廳主吊燈,二寶為慈禧太后贈之黑檀木家俱,曾參加過世界博覽會。第三寶為康熙皇帝書畫真跡。及其他歷屆大使所保存之骨董。後院有兩棵自1888年原主人種植的橡樹,雙橡園因此命名,在庭院裏,我們竟然看到在遊覽勝地沒見到的櫻花,嬌豔開放,多人衝上攝影留念,不負此櫻花行。下午前往美國歷史名城及古都-費城,費城是美國最老、最具歷史意義的城市,費城成為美國首都有十年之久,直到華盛頓特區的國會山莊建築完工並開始使用才結束。費城在美國獨立戰爭時,是獨立運動的重要中心,獨立宣言與美國憲法都是在費城市的獨立廳Independence Hall起草與簽署的。乘坐當地專用的遊覽車參加著名的費城經典遊。費城的著名歷史遺址如獨立宮、自由鐘、市政廳、藝術博物館等。
第三天 早餐後,前往被譽為美國將軍搖籃”-大名鼎鼎的西點軍校。位於紐約州西點(哈德河 Hudson River 西岸), 距離紐約市約80公里,  西點軍校為堡壘建築,  這是一個整個美美洲重要的戰略據點。西點在哈德遜河「S」彎之中,佔據之人可以控制所有河運,地形環境特優且超美,景點是我們此行的最愛。美國歷史上的著名將軍如羅伯特.李,巴頓,艾森豪均是西點軍校的優秀畢業生。在專業講解員的陪伴下,一個小時左右的時間在軍校內參觀遊覽隨後前往世界名牌直銷購物中心Wood bury及免稅商店;晚上回加拿大,在海關時,檢查人員很溫馨,歡迎我們回來,順利過海關,平安抵達夢翠鷗(Montreal)很冷˙但甜蜜的家園。 
***************************************************                                                                                             Spring Tour.  Washington, DC (Cherry Blossom), Baltimore,Philadelphia,West Point 
Washington The Capitol 
The Monument 
Taiwanese Canadian Association of Grand Montreal  http://tcam88.com
Taiwanese Association – Spring Tour.  Washington, DC (Cherry Blossom Festival), Philadelphia,  Improving knowledge of American history, culture and heritage.
Date: March 29, 30, 31, 2009. (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)  Please bring the United States of valid documents (passport, visa, etc.)
The 1st day - Montreal- Champagne Lake - Baltimore (Montreal-Baltimore)
Starting from Montreal in the morning, extended to appreciate the beautiful scenery, natural, clear lakes- Lake Champlain, arrived in the United States at about Evening, so beautiful harbor city - Baltimore. Visit bustling Fisherman's Wharf, enjoy the night view of the harbor of charming bright.
After dinner, staying Baltimore hotel – The LaQuint-Baltimore.
The 2nd next day (Saturday, March 30) Baltimore - Washington DC - Twin Oaks - Philadelphia
After breakfast, visit the U.S. capital - Washington. You will take pictures before the unique style official residence of the President of the United States - White House, to visit the sacred legendary Lincoln Memorial, stand tall Washington Monument, the magnificent Capitol Hill, people cherish the memory of the Korean War, World War II Memorial Plaza and the world-famous American Space Museum, the National Museum of Art or the Museum of Natural History, guaranteed to be a big eye-opener. You can also take a boat (US$25)trip to the views of the Washington Capital Territory, reveling in both sides of the beautiful scenery and historic buildings along the Potomac River from the water. You can enjoy the annual American Cherry Blossom Festival. Throughout the Washington Metropolitan Area hug cherry flowers. Bright red eye-catching red cherry, Enchanting pink cherry, elegant and dignified purple cherry spotless white cherry, very enjoyable. Attracting tens of thousands of tourists from around the world come to see the excellent and charming grace.
Afterwards at about 1 pm, visit to historical Garden Twin Oaks, white Georgian Revival (Georgian Revival) wooden building. Already twenty Taiwanese - Chinese ambassador to the United States before and after the owner of Twin Oaks, here to witness the most critical era of modern diplomatic history.
Following The trip to the historic city and ancient capital - Philadelphia, to ride dedicated local tour bus(US$27) to participate in the famous Philadelphia Classic Tour. Philadelphia's famous historic sites such as Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, City Hall, Museum of Art, and so will be presented one by one in the tour itinerary. Stay in hotel in New Jersey.

The 3rd day - West Point - Woodbury Outlet
After breakfast, visit hailed as "the cradle of the American general" - the famous West Point(US $12). Famous generals in American history, such as Robert Lee,  Patton, Bradley  outstanding  graduates of West Point. Accompanied by professional guide, you will have about an hour of time to visit and tour at the Military Academy. Then went to the world famous Outlet Mall-Woodbury.
At about half past nine p.m. arrived in Montreal.
Departure time and location:
6:30 am  Orange Line subway station Place D'armes St-Urbain Exit
6:45 am  Marche Thai Food 1875 Panama Street, Brossard, QC. J4W 2S8