加拿大 夢特婁 台灣社團 為非營利之加拿大社團

Taiwanese - Canadians in Montreal - Quebec - Canada 加拿大 夢特婁台灣社團
This is a website about the activities of the Taiwanese-Canadian community in Montreal, Canada. Its purpose is to cultivate friendship and communication among members of the community and to promote awareness of events in the city that relate to Taiwanese culture and customs. To help New immigrats in Canada's cultural, geographical environment, in order to facilitate a comfortable living in Canada, to integrate into society; to feedback and contribute to Canada's national culture and fine living in Canada.
Ce site contient des renseignements sur les activites de la communaute d'origine taiwanaise de Montreal, Canada. Son objectif est de promouvoir l'amitie et la communication parmi les membres de la communaute et les evenements dans la ville qui concernent la culture et les coutumes taiwanaises.

在 ICAO 之前為台灣發聲 表達訴求 Taiwan should participate in the WHO, Taiwan can help.

February 21, 2020.
Taiwan Deserves Voice!/ Taiwan Mérite Une Voix ,表達的訴求

Demonstration in front of ICAO  

為台灣被排除在ICAO之外示威, 和Concordia University學生居多。戶外氣溫零下負-5度,路面仍然堆䅪前天下的風雪;但萬里晴空的美景,讓我們熱血澎湃的心在ICAO前為"台灣發聲;Taiwan Deserves Voice!/ Taiwan Mérite Une Voix ,表達我們的訴求!我們竭力呼喊台灣不能被排除在WHO門外,台灣醫藥保健制度健全, 排名世界第一,能分享經驗。ICAO 不能屈服於共產主義的中國,台灣不屬於中國,台灣早已是主權獨立,民主自由的國家,總統是由人民直接選舉出來的總統,不是共產主義國家,制度思想截然不同,台灣有能力幫助ICAO 。台灣是台灣,中國是中國!
Demonstration in front of ICAO Headquarter in Montreal, Quebec
Demonstration in front of ICAO Headquarter in Montreal, Quebec . Mrs. Mélissa Kchn (University of Quebec Student) initiate the activities for Taiwan. Because the Wuhan Virus harassed the world, and Taiwan was excluded from WHO, fighting alone with the disease,therefore, she was resentful, and volunteered to launch a Voice for Taiwan, Taiwan Deserves Voice! / Taïwan Mérite Une Voix / 為台灣發聲.