Location: Place Bonaventure Montreal Canada Photos: Linda Chang
Tourism Fair from October 19 to October 21, 2012, a three-day held in Montreal metropolis,
Canada. Representatives of over 100 countries, through the Tourism Bureau,
tourism operators, both at the government level, travel insurance, or in other
areas of national experts in the field to provide the necessary experience in
the international travel and tourism exhibition information; attract the people
to the Place Bonaventure visits understand travel essential information. Taiwan
tourism pavilion by the New York office of tourism group with Eva Airway
airlines come to promote Taiwan tourism, the person in charge are Angeline and Sasha,
had contacted Montreal Taiwanese Association to organize the exhibition team
few months ago. The two of them are young, beautiful, and talented. They bring
advertising banner, Taiwan scenic billboards, tourist brochures, luxurious airplane
seats, arranged with orderly, clear expression; people have a great sense of
"Time for Taiwan". Attract the attention of the pre-tourists, they
prepared a gift of calligraphy, Taiwanese cuisine, rice noodles, rice cakes
tasted, and invited members of the Taiwanese Association at the Showcase
performance a aboriginal Dance, expressed Taiwan culture. The three-day event
is indeed valuable contacts, instant sales, to promote Taiwan's tourism
industry, to increase visibility and solid connection to Taiwan for tourist
Location: Place Bonaventure Montreal Canada 文: 傅美麗
國際旅遊展從2012年10月19日至10月21日,為期三天於加拿大夢翠鷗大都會舉行,超過100個國家的代表,通過他們的觀光局,旅遊經營商無論是在政府層面,旅遊保險,或在其他領域,各國專家都在現場提供必要的國際旅遊和旅遊展經驗信息;吸引萬人至Place Bonaventure 參觀瞭解旅遊必備資訊。 台灣旅遊參展團由紐約辦事處觀光組與 Eva Airway 航空公司前來推廣台灣旅遊 ,負責人 Angeline 和Sasha 幾月前即與夢翠鷗台灣同鄉會聯絡,
於本地招攬人才組成參展團隊。她們兩位年輕漂亮能幹女士,親自帶來廣告布面,台灣風景看板,旅遊手冊,豪華舒適機座,佈置得有條有理,表達明確,讓人大有「Time for Taiwan」之感。現場並有吸引預旅遊者的注目,有贈送書法字畫,試嚐台灣美食Home made 的抄米粉,米糕,並邀請台灣同鄉會成員於展示台表演山地舞組曲,認識台灣基層文化。為期三天的活動,確實產生有價值的聯繫,即時的銷售,推廣台灣旅遊事業,增加台灣的知名度和紮實的連接,預期轉化為常年旅遊者前來台灣觀光。